This blog is a way for you to take a look at what I am doing during my time as an AmeriCorps member!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A kitten or a little baby?
Nayeli fell asleep next to me in bed one morning like this....haha. She is like a little baby (look at her back feet curled up). You can see her little incision and her bare belly! She is recovery very well! Her super cuddly phase is slowly diminishing though. This morning at 5 am, to the people trudging around upstairs, I woke up and she wasn't next to me or at my feet and I thought that something was wrong. This is abnormal, she is always on my bed somewhere. I got up and went to the b-room and as soon as she heard the fan she came running wanting a drink from the sink! She was ok, thanks goodness. I had given her some pain meds last night because she was acting like her paws hurt (i had her front paws declawed with a laser - less pain and quicker recovery). I thought that she might have had a reaction to the meds or something was wrong with her because she wasn't cuddled up next to me. She has been following me around lately more than usual! I was quite sad when I woke up and she wasn't anywhere to be found. Hopefully, she just forgot that I was there or something and she will be cuddled up next to me tonight! She was quite rambunctious last night running around and chasing her new Christmas toy! Maybe it was her excitement and the meds that caused this....tonight is another night. I'm going to tire her out before bed and hopefully she'll find her way to her spot like she has every night since i have had her! The first night I had her, I woke up to her "caterpillared" into a ball on my left shoulder. She was so small, she fit perfect. Now, at times, she just stretches across my neck and I wake up with a nice neck warmer. haha. This little creature has brought so much joy into my life! I love her soooooo much!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ice Galore.... 4.5 days until Christmas!
Well last week, there was an ice storm. All the schools around here were closed and I didn't go into work for 2 days because of the ice and snow mixture covering everything. Nayeli was so snuggly that i just lied on the couch and read all day. This gave me an opportunity to read for my last class that i have been putting off between doing AmeriCorps and a part-time job. On the upside of not going into work, I did get my class done. Well, I have to take two exams and then it is official, i will be done! Gosh, it will be nice not to have to worry about school for awhile! My pre-req nursing classes will begin in late-August, and excited to take classes that i am really interested in, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc.
This year, I am going to be spending Christmas with Jesse's family! I'll miss being with my family. But I am really excited to learn more family traditions and see how others spend Christmas! My Christmas shopping is almost done. I just have a few more gifts to get! I love Christmas! I especially love wrapping the gifts! My creative juices flow like none other! I spent Sunday doing the last minute shopping and wrapping gifts while watching Home Alone! I am hoping that it will be a white Christmas....It would just be weird without snow on the ground...I will just have to wait and find out!
Mommy & Me flyers and handouts have been passed out all around town and I know for sure that at least one person will be there. I helped her out at the teen conference and wants to come to learn from me! It was such a great complement to know that I could teach someone something new especially coming from a lady in her position! The next few weeks will be nice to be around family and have a slight break! But also really excited to see where my Mommy & Me class goes and how many people attend in January!
This year, I am going to be spending Christmas with Jesse's family! I'll miss being with my family. But I am really excited to learn more family traditions and see how others spend Christmas! My Christmas shopping is almost done. I just have a few more gifts to get! I love Christmas! I especially love wrapping the gifts! My creative juices flow like none other! I spent Sunday doing the last minute shopping and wrapping gifts while watching Home Alone! I am hoping that it will be a white Christmas....It would just be weird without snow on the ground...I will just have to wait and find out!
Mommy & Me flyers and handouts have been passed out all around town and I know for sure that at least one person will be there. I helped her out at the teen conference and wants to come to learn from me! It was such a great complement to know that I could teach someone something new especially coming from a lady in her position! The next few weeks will be nice to be around family and have a slight break! But also really excited to see where my Mommy & Me class goes and how many people attend in January!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Meeting with the nurse-midwife....
Last friday I meet with the nurse-midwife in the area! After talking with her, I couldn't be more excited! She really liked what i was doing with AmeriCorps and fully supported hanging my Mommy & Me flyer in their office! Their office is one of the two ob/gyn's in the area, so there will be a ton of people walking in and out of there looking at my poster! I have a feeling that there will be a bigger turn out than last time! I am excited to see how many people come and have seen my flyer!
Back to our meeting....I had made a list of interview questions ranging from asking about nursing school, midwifery school, her weaknesses, her most and least favorite stories, did she have children with a midwife, to why she chose to become a midwife. The meeting was great! She said, "this really is your passion isn't it, i can tell." I told her about the time Jesse and I were out to dinner and i sat there and felt at ease with life after deciding to become a nurse-midwife! It is my calling and couldn't feel better about it. She was quite impressed at how much research i had done and that the interview was just for me. She suggested working on a labor and delivery floor for 6 months before deciding to become a nurse-midwife. I am def. taking her advice, but as of right now still going to go ahead with everything! I left feeling amazing about my life choice and can't wait to follow through with it! It's going to be a long and hard journey, but if anyone can make it, i think i can!
I must say that i have an amazing support system behind me! Thanks everyone for supporting my calling and being there through my journey!
I don't think i could have gotten where I am in life if it wouldn't have been for Jesse. He was/is there to talk about anything and everything. He never judged and always keeps an open heart. He has been by my side through the thick and the thin! He was that one person who broke through the walls i built and helped me to become the woman i am today. We complement each other very well and help each other better ourselves! He was there for those days when the world felt like it was closing in on me. He sat there with an open ear and and a shoulder to cry on. He is an amazing man and I love him for it. Thank you for being a part of my life! I can't wait to see what the future holds and where our life/career decisions take us!
Back to our meeting....I had made a list of interview questions ranging from asking about nursing school, midwifery school, her weaknesses, her most and least favorite stories, did she have children with a midwife, to why she chose to become a midwife. The meeting was great! She said, "this really is your passion isn't it, i can tell." I told her about the time Jesse and I were out to dinner and i sat there and felt at ease with life after deciding to become a nurse-midwife! It is my calling and couldn't feel better about it. She was quite impressed at how much research i had done and that the interview was just for me. She suggested working on a labor and delivery floor for 6 months before deciding to become a nurse-midwife. I am def. taking her advice, but as of right now still going to go ahead with everything! I left feeling amazing about my life choice and can't wait to follow through with it! It's going to be a long and hard journey, but if anyone can make it, i think i can!
I must say that i have an amazing support system behind me! Thanks everyone for supporting my calling and being there through my journey!
I don't think i could have gotten where I am in life if it wouldn't have been for Jesse. He was/is there to talk about anything and everything. He never judged and always keeps an open heart. He has been by my side through the thick and the thin! He was that one person who broke through the walls i built and helped me to become the woman i am today. We complement each other very well and help each other better ourselves! He was there for those days when the world felt like it was closing in on me. He sat there with an open ear and and a shoulder to cry on. He is an amazing man and I love him for it. Thank you for being a part of my life! I can't wait to see what the future holds and where our life/career decisions take us!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Mommy & Me business cards/ small flyer
Here are the business cards that i am going to be passing out with people's checks at my other job! I am hoping that people will ask me more about the class and be interested in attending! We will see how this works out! I also hand them out to people if i find out they have kids or know of people who have kids/pregnant!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New Mommy & Me flyer and handout!
Due to the unsuccessful attempts in recruiting people I created a different type of flyer and brochure to hand out and hang throughout the community. One of the brochures has the tear strips on it so people can take my info and remember when the class is. The other is a handout on what it is about, who i am, and future meetings. I have passed them out at an early childhood council meeting, calling local doctors offices, the health department, and really any place that will let me hang them up! I am hoping that through these efforts more people will be interested in the monthly meetings and then will meet with me individually once they get to know me. Tonight, I have another home visit, but at the library. I saw her last month and can't wait to see how the baby and the mom has grown since the last time i saw them! We will see how this all turns out, only time will tell!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
France, owh France
It has been over three years since i was in France! I still miss it to this day! I miss the culture, the "newness," and adventure. I miss the challenge of speaking french and meeting people from around the world! One of my favorite things to do there was visiting the chateaus, or castles! I would imagine myself living in one of them back in the day and what it was like. The history they held was amazing and loved taking pictures of them! My favorite chateau was Chenonceau. I'm not sure if i like it so much because it was the first one i visited or because i just loved it so much. I would give anything to be able to visit again for a month or two! I would love to go work on a vineyard for a period of time, learn how to cook french cuisine, and travel around France. I would like to share France with Jesse and the charm it holds! I would love to live there for a little bit but not too long because i would miss my friends and family too much! One of these days, we will hopefully make it there, here's to dreaming.....
Monday, December 6, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......
Jesse and I decided we were going to get a Christmas tree and keep it at my place! We went to a tree farm and cut the top off of a half dead blue spruce. They called it a charlie brown tree but i think that it is perfect! It is def. more plump than a charlie brown tree that is for sure! We are in the process of making a topper! The kitten loves to attack the bulbs but has yet to climb the tree! Speaking of nayeli, she goes to the vet next week to have her surgery! I hope she does well! The day she comes home, i took off to take care of her and make sure she is ok! Also, a Happy Birthday to my mom today! I love and miss you!
It's not the best picture ever and doesn't do the tree much justice, but it works!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
New and improved breastfeeding brochure!
Recently, i posted my post about breastfeeding on a few forums online. I received some feedback and have changed a few things! I am still keeping the tag line "the breast is the best" because i feel that i want women to know that this is the best option for their baby if they can provide it for them! The more and more feedback I receive the better and better the brochure becomes!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Last night I went to a jazz concert with jesse for his jazz is a video of the performance! They were pretty good! It made me miss the good old band days back in high school! I might even bring out the good ole clarinet for a refresher course. I even thought about taking a class or finding a church band to play in.....we will see what comes my way....The good thing is i still remember the fingerings and how to read music too! Woo!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Mommy & Me.....
Well, no one showed up to my meeting. I was disappointed at first, but it was the week of thanksgiving and a very nice day outside. I can understand. Also, i need to advertise it better! I am going to post it at the library and then pass it out to all the headstart centers and around town! Hopefully next time will be more of a success!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mommy & Me
Tonight is my first mommy & me meeting! Boy am I nervous, but also excited! I hope that some moms show up! I have created a powerpoint on creating nifty toys for your children through household items and how to use their imagination! At the end, we are creating shaker! I have made mine into a lion! It's lacking some color because the markers are at the library! Oh golly, i hope at least one person shows up! This meeting was not as advertised as i would like it to be. But the new mommy & me brochure will be done soon and i will be giving them out to resources in the next coming weeks! As time goes on, i hope people pass along the word! To the library I go......
"The Breast is the Best!" continued....
I must give credit to a few fellow success corps members in creating the tag line "the breast is the best." Thanks for the perfect line to add to my brochure! I think that it will be a hit! Here is my latest brochure! This is one of my favorites! I am also in the midst of talking to the hospital about putting my brochures on the labor & delivery floor as well as out with other brochures they have to offer throughout the floors! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they like them all!
This week is Thanksgiving and it will be the first time I am away from home for a holiday! I will be spending it with Jesse's family and I couldn't be more excited! I will miss being with my family, but can't wait to see how others spend their Thanksgiving! All of his family will be there and it should be a good time! We might even be able to go hiking! Of course, there will be boggle involved and a mean game of scrabble. I should def. brush up on my vocabulary! All in all, i can't wait!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"The Breast is the Best!"
Currently, i am working on my breastfeeding brochure for the library! It is coming along very nicely! Also, my first Mommy & Me meeting is on Monday and I couldn't be more nervous! I'm not sure if anyone will actually show up. But if some do, i am hoping that they have a good time! Hopefully, i can keep them interested and wanting to come back next time! We will be making toys out of household items! If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I am in the midst of a new mommy & me brochure to leave places and hand out to resources once i figure out if the 4th monday of each month works for moms. This monday is a trial period. Photos will come at a later date!
Kitten update: It's official, she LOVES to play fetch! This morning at 7am, she brought her ball to me in bed! When you hold that ball in your hand and get ready to throw it, she is like a dog and stares and fixes herself to sprint to get the ball (it's harder to explain than it is to just show, but i hope you get the idea)!!! She also has this cute little chirp! She is a great cat so far! Her women surgery is in the middle of December! I took the day after off to take care of her! I'm sure she will be sore and need the extra love! Wish me luck on my meeting!
Kitten update: It's official, she LOVES to play fetch! This morning at 7am, she brought her ball to me in bed! When you hold that ball in your hand and get ready to throw it, she is like a dog and stares and fixes herself to sprint to get the ball (it's harder to explain than it is to just show, but i hope you get the idea)!!! She also has this cute little chirp! She is a great cat so far! Her women surgery is in the middle of December! I took the day after off to take care of her! I'm sure she will be sore and need the extra love! Wish me luck on my meeting!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Learning to let go of the bad......and mend broken friendships
This has been on my mind lately.
There have been two times in my life that i have let other people change my experiences and lost people i admired and loved. One time was while i was studying abroad in France and the other was going back to the ranch after my dad passed. What happened in france was childish girl jealously but what happened at the ranch still effects me today. The hardest part of it all is losing the friendship and love i had for the owners of the ranch. I was a wreck that 2nd summer and hated (yes, i said it) the world! The summer before i formed this great friendship with both of them and felt i could come to them about anything, especially D. He was not admired by a lot of the people because of his hard front. But i had made an unexpected connection with him! I got through that hard, cold shouldered man and found his soft side. He was like a grandpa to me! I felt comfortable asking him anything and cracking jokes with him. Many were afraid he would crack on them if they joked around with him. With L, she was like a 2nd mom to me. I would come to her when i was cut or had a bug bit and played up the hurt and she would go out of her way to help me! I gained their trust and love. But the 2nd summer was completely different. I would get mad at L and take my anger out on her. I tried to be myself, but i was too hurt and afraid of getting hurt again to open up as i did the first summer. I lost the opportunity to have great friendships like i did the 1st summer and even lost some of the strength in some of the friendships I had with some of the returning staff. I lost the love and trust of the owners. I felt like a part of their family. But after that summer of craziness, i have lost them. I have tried to contact them but my attempts have been either overlooked or disregarded. Maybe they are reading them, but just not ready to talk to me quite yet. It hurts to know that i effected that family like i did. I wasn't myself at that time and i think they realized that but let that person stick with them. If i had the chance to go spend a summer out there with them again, i would in a heart beat. To feel the warmth of being a part of their family and the experiences on their ranch, i would be ever so grateful! I think that they would be proud of me because of how far i have come from that summer. I wish i could share with them the person i am now and share where i am going in life! I want them to see that the happy, go lucky, Jenni they knew, just with a different outlook on life and where i am going in the future. At times, tears run down my face when i think about how just one thing effected me so much that summer. There are so many great memories but at times that summer seems to bombard the good and just leave all the bad. Just to hear a simple hi from them would change everything.
It would reassure me that no one is perfect and people can forgive. I would feel better about them "having" to be there and "having" to care. It would mean they actually did care and did want to be there. It would mean they understood what was going on in my life and really wanted to help me through it. I have apologized for the madness and thanked them for being there, what else can i do? Maybe that is all i can do. The feeling of not being accepted really pulls my strings and hurts me like nothing else. It's hard for me to accept that someone might not accept me for my faults. I wish they could look pass them, and lend a "it's ok i understand, I accept you for who you are." Gosh, why does this hurt me so much?
Hopefully i will hear from them? Maybe i should call, but then i feel as if i am trying to hard and put them in an awkward position if they don't want to talk to me. But hey, what could i lose if i did? I would finally know that they are really avoiding me or if they really cared and wanted to talk! I am going to put myself out there, do what many might be afraid of, and call them! Maybe i should have tried calling them in the first place. Wish me luck in the coming weeks to build up the courage and call them!
There have been two times in my life that i have let other people change my experiences and lost people i admired and loved. One time was while i was studying abroad in France and the other was going back to the ranch after my dad passed. What happened in france was childish girl jealously but what happened at the ranch still effects me today. The hardest part of it all is losing the friendship and love i had for the owners of the ranch. I was a wreck that 2nd summer and hated (yes, i said it) the world! The summer before i formed this great friendship with both of them and felt i could come to them about anything, especially D. He was not admired by a lot of the people because of his hard front. But i had made an unexpected connection with him! I got through that hard, cold shouldered man and found his soft side. He was like a grandpa to me! I felt comfortable asking him anything and cracking jokes with him. Many were afraid he would crack on them if they joked around with him. With L, she was like a 2nd mom to me. I would come to her when i was cut or had a bug bit and played up the hurt and she would go out of her way to help me! I gained their trust and love. But the 2nd summer was completely different. I would get mad at L and take my anger out on her. I tried to be myself, but i was too hurt and afraid of getting hurt again to open up as i did the first summer. I lost the opportunity to have great friendships like i did the 1st summer and even lost some of the strength in some of the friendships I had with some of the returning staff. I lost the love and trust of the owners. I felt like a part of their family. But after that summer of craziness, i have lost them. I have tried to contact them but my attempts have been either overlooked or disregarded. Maybe they are reading them, but just not ready to talk to me quite yet. It hurts to know that i effected that family like i did. I wasn't myself at that time and i think they realized that but let that person stick with them. If i had the chance to go spend a summer out there with them again, i would in a heart beat. To feel the warmth of being a part of their family and the experiences on their ranch, i would be ever so grateful! I think that they would be proud of me because of how far i have come from that summer. I wish i could share with them the person i am now and share where i am going in life! I want them to see that the happy, go lucky, Jenni they knew, just with a different outlook on life and where i am going in the future. At times, tears run down my face when i think about how just one thing effected me so much that summer. There are so many great memories but at times that summer seems to bombard the good and just leave all the bad. Just to hear a simple hi from them would change everything.
It would reassure me that no one is perfect and people can forgive. I would feel better about them "having" to be there and "having" to care. It would mean they actually did care and did want to be there. It would mean they understood what was going on in my life and really wanted to help me through it. I have apologized for the madness and thanked them for being there, what else can i do? Maybe that is all i can do. The feeling of not being accepted really pulls my strings and hurts me like nothing else. It's hard for me to accept that someone might not accept me for my faults. I wish they could look pass them, and lend a "it's ok i understand, I accept you for who you are." Gosh, why does this hurt me so much?
Hopefully i will hear from them? Maybe i should call, but then i feel as if i am trying to hard and put them in an awkward position if they don't want to talk to me. But hey, what could i lose if i did? I would finally know that they are really avoiding me or if they really cared and wanted to talk! I am going to put myself out there, do what many might be afraid of, and call them! Maybe i should have tried calling them in the first place. Wish me luck in the coming weeks to build up the courage and call them!
Fall Institute & the beauty of a women's body
Yesterday, we, the success corps members, attended one day of the fall institute! The morning involved attending two breakout sessions and then lunch. The sessions i attended was on fetal alcohol syndrome and then 4-h and the resources they have to offer! After a nice steak lunch, we went upstairs for our breastfeeding class by our MIHOW training coordinator. I loved it! I am def. a breastfeeding advocate and will continue to pass along the information. I am even going to look into also getting certified as a lactation consultant while at midwifery school! I can remember when my mom was breastfeeding i was always interested in what she was doing and how it helped the baby. While she would feed my siblings, i would get a doll and pretend to feed my doll as she would my sister.
We did a little activity during the session and here are the results!

Obviously, the chart is showing how breastmilk is better for the baby and the mom! This is my inspiration for my next brochure for babes and tots! If any of those brochures makes an impact on someone, i hope that this one will leave the biggest! I must say that i really appreciate my moms openness with children with me and giving me the opportunities she did. She would let me help change diapers, bathe, hold, and even "help" and watch breastfeed my siblings. By help, i mean just sit there and make sure the baby was doing ok and then maybe burp her/him! She wanted to make sure that i felt like i was helping and being a big sister. I was changing diapers by the age of 4! haha. I feel as if she wasn't as open with everything, i would feel different about babies and breastfeeding! It was great. The lady training us had her 10 year old son with her helping with the computer and pass out papers. But i was so happy that she was open and honest with him about breastfeeding and wasn't like don't look you are too young to be looking at breasts etc. I loved how she taught him breastfeeding is a natural thing and that is what breasts were made for. We all were talking about breastmilk and how it leaks, doesn't leak, and if it leaks how much. But then she commented on how if you hmmmm, it squirts out. The girl she was talking to didn't get it and she came out and said orgasm in front of her 10 year old boy. He didn't question her at that time but might have later on. I don't know if he really knew what we were talking about or not, but he was completely ok with everything. Not a funny face or a questioning look. If he did ask about, (which he may not have because 1. she might have taught him what it was or 2. because he just thought it was part of feeding a baby) how would you explain it? I look up to her openness and not hiding things from her children. They will encounter it at some point in time and why lie to them or try to cover it up. Granted, i don't have children so i really don't know if that is the best choice. But looking on it from the perspective of a curious child and what i was told about things, i think that honestly is the best choice!
One day my dad was drawing a picture and i had asked to look at it. It was a pair of breasts. At first i thought it was weird and eghhhh gross. I asked him why he drew those and he said that "they are your mommies, they are beautiful! They were made for you and your siblings." Not knowing it at that point, my dad taught me that a women's body is beautiful because of what it's capable of and because of what it does, it looks beautiful! I think that this is why i find pregnancy such a beautiful thing. It's because he showed me how beautiful he thought my mom was/is and how pregnancy is an amazing thing in life! I find it truly amazing that we are capable of creating and carrying such a miracle! One of the best things ever was one day when he asked me to go to the store with him one night! I was 9 at the time and excited to have some alone dad time. We got there and went to the cake section and got a cake with the number 4 written in frosting. I asked him why and he said "It's for mom. What do you think?" I thought and thought and finally figured it out! She was going to have a baby! It was great! I felt so special because no one knew that she was pregnant except me, my mom, and my dad. We took the cake home and surprised her and the rest of the family! Everyone was so excited! It was a great celebration! From then on my mom being pregnant was the best thing ever and everyone was very excited! I must say, when my mom was pregnant she gave off this great glow, i still remember it to this day! I remember her fluffy hair, a big smile, a humbling laugh, and a pregnant belly! I will never forget! When rach was born, i brought her in for show in tell! haha. I still laugh to this day about it! I wonder if she knows that? Well, now she does! I still remember how my dad looked at each of my younger siblings and the joy in his eyes and heart! I remember the soft voice he was speak with and the way they would interact with him. I wouldn't forget that for a moment. We were all very special to him and held a special happy place in a heart filled with hurt and pain.
It's weird, but at times, i still get that "i just want my mommy feeling." There is nothing like my mom taking care of me while i am sick or a mothers hug! I am guilty of playing up my sickness so she would devote a little extra time to just me and give me that extra sympathy! But who doesn't want a little extra special mom only time? I even miss those days of cuddling up in her bed right before she wakes up to find me right next to her. When i was little she used to smile and hug me close, now she is like "what do you want and why are you in my bed," haha. The more and more i explore my relationships with my parents the more i realize the impact they have had on me and how it continues to change. It impacts how I look at life and my future relationships!
I hope one day, I will be as open with my children as my mom and dad were with me! I hope that my future husband shows them the beauty of life and women as my dad did to me! I hope i can be as fortunate as my parents and have 4 amazing, healthy, children who continue to grow into amazing adults and continue their journey through life!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
AmeriCorps keeps on giving!
I must say that AmeriCorps has helped me figure out my calling in life! Going into the program, i knew that i wanted to do something in the medical field such as a PA or a nurse practitioner working with children! Then, I figured out what really makes me happy in life, CHILDREN!! I knew this all along, but not to the extent that i would discover. Working with the pregnant moms on their concerns, joys, and excitements through pregnancy and after, i finally figured it out. It's the joy of bringing a little one into the world that makes me the happiest! I think that thing that pushed me over was while visiting with the teen moms at the conference. This girl was about 5 weeks away from her due date and i had spoken with her before while doing the onesies. I, of course, asked if i could feel her baby kick if she started to move. When i felt that baby kick me and the excitment the mom and i shared, i knew this is what i wanted to do and pursue. She saw how excited i was and i think that it brought to reality that she was going to be having a baby soon and how exciting it was going to be. Granted, i have felt many bellies, but every time i feel a new kick that exciting and thrilling joy overcomes my body! It doesn't matter if it's the same mommy or a different one. I still get that 'owh my gosh, there is a baby growing in you, you have created a bundle of joy, and I can feel him/her!' Ahhhhh! I love it! I can't imagine what i am going to be like when i am married and pregnant! haha. I am that women that sees a pregnant women and rushes over to ask if i could feel the baby kick, im kinda like a kid on christmas when it comes to that. I usually explain that i am going back to school to become a midwife and the moms completely understand my "creepiness" for coming over and asking to feel her belly. What would i have done without AmeriCorps and my experiences through them?
I also need to remember that becoming a midwife will be a long and hard journey, but if anyone can do it, i think i can! I hope to be inspiration to those following their dreams and need the extra push to work towards it! When i was a freshman in college, i taped a little piece of paper from a real simple magazine that said, "find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life," to my computer to remind myself that i need to do something that makes me happy! I have finally found that "job"! Woooooooooooooo!
There is a girl I work with at my other job that is in school right now and wants to be a midwife as well. I love talking with her! She completely understands my excitement as i do hers! I don't know the right word for it, either weird, funny, a coincidence, etc. But she comes from a family where her dad is an alcoholic and never a father figure in her life. He was never there and they rarely speak. Sounds familiar doesn't it! I wonder if our two experiences have helped us decide to become midwives? Our decision to celebrate children and find happiness in birth and children! or is it that we want children to be loved as much as they can because we weren't loved to our fullest and brushed aside? As of right now, i want the dad to be a major factor in the birth of his child. I want to show him how exciting it can be and how much this little thing will love him and how much he will love the baby! Obviously, i hope that same for the mother but it is a little different for a mother than it is a dad. I want to help him with the bond with this little bundle of joy and the excitement of having made such an amazing life! My experiences have definitely shaped me into the person i am today and who i want be in the future! I am grateful for those experiences the good and the bad!
I also need to remember that becoming a midwife will be a long and hard journey, but if anyone can do it, i think i can! I hope to be inspiration to those following their dreams and need the extra push to work towards it! When i was a freshman in college, i taped a little piece of paper from a real simple magazine that said, "find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life," to my computer to remind myself that i need to do something that makes me happy! I have finally found that "job"! Woooooooooooooo!
There is a girl I work with at my other job that is in school right now and wants to be a midwife as well. I love talking with her! She completely understands my excitement as i do hers! I don't know the right word for it, either weird, funny, a coincidence, etc. But she comes from a family where her dad is an alcoholic and never a father figure in her life. He was never there and they rarely speak. Sounds familiar doesn't it! I wonder if our two experiences have helped us decide to become midwives? Our decision to celebrate children and find happiness in birth and children! or is it that we want children to be loved as much as they can because we weren't loved to our fullest and brushed aside? As of right now, i want the dad to be a major factor in the birth of his child. I want to show him how exciting it can be and how much this little thing will love him and how much he will love the baby! Obviously, i hope that same for the mother but it is a little different for a mother than it is a dad. I want to help him with the bond with this little bundle of joy and the excitement of having made such an amazing life! My experiences have definitely shaped me into the person i am today and who i want be in the future! I am grateful for those experiences the good and the bad!
Future education plans!
Well, the urge to start working towards becoming a midwife is as strong as ever. I wish that i could hold a book to my head transfer the knowledge to my brain and then poof, I am a nurse midwife! Haha yeah right! I just really want to get in there and start my career. I feel such at ease with this decision. J and I were out to dinner one night and he asked me about being a midwife and I said "This is it, this is what i want to do." With a big sigh i said, "I feel at ease, good about it, and really excited." This was the first time I have felt this way about choosing a career. After changing my degree many times during college and then finishing my degree in elementary education, i never felt at ease and "ahhhhh, this is what i am going to do the rest of my life." It's hard to describe the feeling but it's a good one! Actually, a great feeling! A feeling that is really hard to explain and i feel as if many people are still searching for it.
This is my plan on how I am going to become a nurse midwife.
First i have to get my degree in nursing. To do this I am planning on applying to a 2nd degree accelerated program here at EKU. The nursing program is the best in the state of KY! The program is super competitive, 20 out of 100 are selected. To make sure that i am in one of those 20 spots, i am going to 4 point all my prereq's which include, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and nutrition (this is what an adviser had told me to do to guarantee a spot). Thankfully i had take stats within 5 years of applying to the program and won't need to take that class. After finishing my prereqs next fall semester, i will then apply to the program which starts the following fall. I am hoping to be able to do AmeriCorps again next year as well! I have had such a great experience doing it, i want to continue visiting the moms and babies and growing with them thus far. I can't imagine what it would be like following them for 2 full years! Truly, i think that it would be an amazing, once in a life-time opportunity! Back to school. After i graduate from EKU, which J and I will probably do at the same time (very exciting), start my masters at a midwifery school! There are about 20 different schools that offer midwifery, i can't wait to see which one i'll chose.
Laid out it looks like this:
summer/fall 2011: prereq's
spring 2012: apply to the accelerated program
fall 2012: start the accelerated program
December 2013: graduate!
Either summer/fall 2014: start masters at a midwifery school
Spring 2016: Graduate with a masters in midwifery
Then on: help moms delivery healthy babies!
Looking at this, everything rides on getting accepted into the accelerated program at EKU, unless i take the traditional route and spend 2+ years getting my BSN, which is my back up plan. But I am a very hard worker and love school, oddly enough, and think that I will be able to achieve my calling in life! There may be a few road blocks here and there but I can take a detour and get around them! This is an exciting adventure that i can't wait to start! Applying to EKU will start after the first of the year and will begin taking classes either during the summer or starting fall semester. I'm not sure which one i will do. I am trying to gain residency in KY first and then go from there!
This is my plan on how I am going to become a nurse midwife.
First i have to get my degree in nursing. To do this I am planning on applying to a 2nd degree accelerated program here at EKU. The nursing program is the best in the state of KY! The program is super competitive, 20 out of 100 are selected. To make sure that i am in one of those 20 spots, i am going to 4 point all my prereq's which include, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and nutrition (this is what an adviser had told me to do to guarantee a spot). Thankfully i had take stats within 5 years of applying to the program and won't need to take that class. After finishing my prereqs next fall semester, i will then apply to the program which starts the following fall. I am hoping to be able to do AmeriCorps again next year as well! I have had such a great experience doing it, i want to continue visiting the moms and babies and growing with them thus far. I can't imagine what it would be like following them for 2 full years! Truly, i think that it would be an amazing, once in a life-time opportunity! Back to school. After i graduate from EKU, which J and I will probably do at the same time (very exciting), start my masters at a midwifery school! There are about 20 different schools that offer midwifery, i can't wait to see which one i'll chose.
Laid out it looks like this:
summer/fall 2011: prereq's
spring 2012: apply to the accelerated program
fall 2012: start the accelerated program
December 2013: graduate!
Either summer/fall 2014: start masters at a midwifery school
Spring 2016: Graduate with a masters in midwifery
Then on: help moms delivery healthy babies!
Looking at this, everything rides on getting accepted into the accelerated program at EKU, unless i take the traditional route and spend 2+ years getting my BSN, which is my back up plan. But I am a very hard worker and love school, oddly enough, and think that I will be able to achieve my calling in life! There may be a few road blocks here and there but I can take a detour and get around them! This is an exciting adventure that i can't wait to start! Applying to EKU will start after the first of the year and will begin taking classes either during the summer or starting fall semester. I'm not sure which one i will do. I am trying to gain residency in KY first and then go from there!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Phone Anyone?
I was wondering if anyone had a spare/old (sim capable) phone that they no longer use? And would be willing to donate to one of the moms i am working with? She has a plan and everything, she just needs the phone! I have tried different places in the community but they are only used for emergency calls and not capable of anything else. If you do please let me know! You can email me at!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Fall Festival!!!
This week the head of a group called Madison Moms asked me to take part in the fall festival at a local day care! I put together a craft and made a sample! Also, my mommy and me info was featured in their monthly newsletter! I am hoping more families will contact me! I am also putting together a monthly group activity on November 22nd at the library where we will be creating toys out of household items! I am excited for this because i have never made these toys and I'll be learning as well. There will be def. be a good amount of research on what toys we could make!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Baby galore!
This morning i volunteered at the hospital. This time i was on my own and was able to visit each floor and ask if they needed any assistance. Of course, i went to the nursery/labor and delivery floor first! They had me make little hats for the babies! They are not the cutest things ever but very crafty and get the job done! Here is what they looked like:
As i was sitting there doctors and nurses would come in and i would introduce myself and then she came in! The midwife that works through the womens health center and I just happened to be there while she was doing rounds! I introduced myself and she was like i am R. I hesitated for a moment and realized who she was and Ahhhh! It was great! I was like i have been trying to get in contact with you to talk about your experience as a midwife!!! We chatted for a few minutes and she said she'd love to meet with me! I can't wait! After I was done making the hats, I went down to registration and helped at the front desk, signing in people and pushing a few in wheelchairs. I left with a giant smile on my face because 1. there were twins in the nursery, 2. i got to meet the midwife, 3. i was able to help the nurses 4. everyone appreciated my help! 5. I am becoming more comfortable in my setting! I don't know what it is but i love being in the hospital! I can't wait to tell some of the moms that i made the hats the babies will be wearing after they are born!
As i was sitting there doctors and nurses would come in and i would introduce myself and then she came in! The midwife that works through the womens health center and I just happened to be there while she was doing rounds! I introduced myself and she was like i am R. I hesitated for a moment and realized who she was and Ahhhh! It was great! I was like i have been trying to get in contact with you to talk about your experience as a midwife!!! We chatted for a few minutes and she said she'd love to meet with me! I can't wait! After I was done making the hats, I went down to registration and helped at the front desk, signing in people and pushing a few in wheelchairs. I left with a giant smile on my face because 1. there were twins in the nursery, 2. i got to meet the midwife, 3. i was able to help the nurses 4. everyone appreciated my help! 5. I am becoming more comfortable in my setting! I don't know what it is but i love being in the hospital! I can't wait to tell some of the moms that i made the hats the babies will be wearing after they are born!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Yesterday, I was to attend a literacy event for elementary school students, an issue came up and i ended up getting there right as it started. I created the poster and was to bring all the supplies for the person i was meeting there. She was freaking out and was disappointed when i showed up late. Not only was i late but i had forgotten a sign in sheet at home. I really hate disappointing/letting down people. I usually never use the hate word, but this is one thing that i feel strongly about and try my hardest not to do. Last night was a reminder that i am not perfect and there are going to be times in life where i may let someone down and i can't stop it. I try really hard not to, but once in a great while something comes up and it leads to leaving one disappointed. As the night went on, she warmed up to me and was ok with everything because it all worked out. To try and turn the whole night into a positive and not think about it, i over came a fear!
I touched 2 snakes and held one!! Ahhhhhhhh! After moving here and hearing about all the snake encounters, my fear of them heightened. But I went up told them i was scared, wanted to touch it, and did just that. It was the initial first touch that i was afraid of because i didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure if it was going to react to my touching it or how it was going to feel. You would think that it would be slimy but it wasn't. The one i held was kinda sandpapery. I came home and showed Jesse the picture! He was so proud! I was super proud as well!I think my mom would be proud too! She squirms if she sees a snake on tv, let alone made us go into the amphibian exhibit at the zoo by ourselves because she disliked them so much!

All in all the night turned out well! A ton of people showed up and took what we had to offer, books, literature on reading, hand sanitizers, and pretzels. My poster was on reading and introduced what literacy was. I felt that many people don't actually know what literacy is and might want to learn a little about it. I wasn't even really sure what it involved until my literacy education class last year. There were many booths and free books! It was a nice event and hope they do it again in the future!
I touched 2 snakes and held one!! Ahhhhhhhh! After moving here and hearing about all the snake encounters, my fear of them heightened. But I went up told them i was scared, wanted to touch it, and did just that. It was the initial first touch that i was afraid of because i didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure if it was going to react to my touching it or how it was going to feel. You would think that it would be slimy but it wasn't. The one i held was kinda sandpapery. I came home and showed Jesse the picture! He was so proud! I was super proud as well!I think my mom would be proud too! She squirms if she sees a snake on tv, let alone made us go into the amphibian exhibit at the zoo by ourselves because she disliked them so much!

All in all the night turned out well! A ton of people showed up and took what we had to offer, books, literature on reading, hand sanitizers, and pretzels. My poster was on reading and introduced what literacy was. I felt that many people don't actually know what literacy is and might want to learn a little about it. I wasn't even really sure what it involved until my literacy education class last year. There were many booths and free books! It was a nice event and hope they do it again in the future!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Berea Classroom
Here and there, i help in the headstart classroom and this past visit a fire truck came to visit. I can't post the pictures of the kids so here are some of the truck! It was funny. One of the students asked the fireman how they got water into the truck and he said "I'll show you. Walk over here." So he took every one over to the water intake plug. Then he said "Watch," and pulled some levers and then twisted the plug. All of the sudden, a blast of water came out and sprayed all over a girl and a bit on some other kids. She was stunned at first but then laughed. I'm sure she will never forget it! The fireman later said "i knew water would come out but i didn't think it would spray like that." It was great! Everyone laughed!
This picture is really great! The little girl on the left clung to the aide the entire time the firetruck was there and would not get down or even close to the firetruck. But at the end after the spraying, the fireman came up, squatted down, and asked "are you afraid of fire fighters?" She said yes, with tears about to run down her eyes. Then the fireman said "i'm not scary, i help you! Don't be afraid of me." Then she said, "yes, i am scared. i've seen them before and i was scared. " This came from a girl that just sits there and stares at you when you talk to her. She doesn't talk much in the classroom and then she blurted this out to the fireman and even shook his hand. It was really neat to see! It's not the best picture in the world but the meaning behind it is amazing!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Conference details!
Here are some pictures from the conference. There were 19 girls i believe. I would say about 1/2 of them had their babies already! The conference began with a lady teaching sign language, which i loved and can't wait to teach my children and help mom teach theirs as well. She spoke for a bit and then we learned some new signs. Then a lady that was also a teen mom spoke about child development. This lasted a good hour. She showed the girls what happens when you shake a baby. She had a doll that had a transparent head where you could see the brain. She shook it and you could see and hear the brain rattling around in the head. She also pointed out that the brain is made of soft tissue and the skull is hard bone and each time the brain hits the skull, it causes great damage. One thing i really enjoyed about her was that she wasn't afraid to say how it was in a sense. I feel that some moms are afraid to say they get really frustrated with their children at times. She said that there had been some times when her baby wouldn't stop crying at getting really stern (not hurting the baby but firm) with the baby and took a step back, said to herself, what i am doing and took a second for herself. She explained that she put the baby in the crib made sure it was a safe environment and took herself to the other room to cool down. The baby was still crying but was safer without her at the time until she could take a second and collected herself. She did this because it was only her at the time. She also said that it would be a good time for another person, if around to come and try to soothe the baby. I feel that if many more people would do this the amount of violence and abuse would decrease. It was great advice. After she was done speaking, the moms decorated their picture in a frame, which had been taken as they arrived. Then we had a delicious spaghetti lunch and homemade cupcakes decorated and baked by a very talented 12 year old! After lunch, they did the merry-go-round, which is where my part came into play.
My part was reading to your children! I think that reading is one of the most important things to teach a child and was super excited to share my knowledge and excitement! Here are some pictures of my board/area! I did give away a car seat through a drawing with some clothes! Each girl was given a red bag with a bunch of goodies!
A few girls went to each booth based upon which color folder they had and were there for 7 minutes. Then they would go to the next one! After the merry-go-round, a speaker came in and talked about her experience as a teen mom and what she did to get where she is today! Finally, the head lady spoke and told her story through a goal setting activity. The girls were to write down some goals. Then they had to think back to when they were little and what they wanted to be when they grew up. They wrote that down at the bottom of the paper. Then they were to do it when they were in middle school and then what they wanted to be now. As time went on they were to add to it. This was to represent how every piece of their life helped them reach their goals. The head lady, told us her story and related each goal and how it related to what she wanted to be when she was younger. An example, she teaches classes on domestic violence, earlier in life she was a teacher. Being a teacher had lead and helped to where she is today! It's hard to explain, but i hope you get some what of an idea! After that, the conference was over. Each girl left with 4 bags full of goodies, and many door prizes! I am hoping they left with a network of other moms to talk to and a confidence in themselves to strive for the best and a happy future with their new family!
My part was reading to your children! I think that reading is one of the most important things to teach a child and was super excited to share my knowledge and excitement! Here are some pictures of my board/area! I did give away a car seat through a drawing with some clothes! Each girl was given a red bag with a bunch of goodies!
A few girls went to each booth based upon which color folder they had and were there for 7 minutes. Then they would go to the next one! After the merry-go-round, a speaker came in and talked about her experience as a teen mom and what she did to get where she is today! Finally, the head lady spoke and told her story through a goal setting activity. The girls were to write down some goals. Then they had to think back to when they were little and what they wanted to be when they grew up. They wrote that down at the bottom of the paper. Then they were to do it when they were in middle school and then what they wanted to be now. As time went on they were to add to it. This was to represent how every piece of their life helped them reach their goals. The head lady, told us her story and related each goal and how it related to what she wanted to be when she was younger. An example, she teaches classes on domestic violence, earlier in life she was a teacher. Being a teacher had lead and helped to where she is today! It's hard to explain, but i hope you get some what of an idea! After that, the conference was over. Each girl left with 4 bags full of goodies, and many door prizes! I am hoping they left with a network of other moms to talk to and a confidence in themselves to strive for the best and a happy future with their new family!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My kitten is growing up!
Nayeli is becoming quite the kitten. She is three times the size she was when we got her and a bundle of joy! She sleeps tucked right up to my chest and at times during the night when i am sleeping on my back, i awake to her across my neck. She is like a child. She wakes me up early to play, always wants my attention, and always wants fresh water. She doesn't like the water out of her water bowl so every time i go to the frig she begs for some water from my brita and of course i give in to the cute little meows and purrs. Or i will find her licking the faucet on the sink after i have brushed my teeth or washed my hands. When she does her business, you know. Something that has emerged in the past couple of days is playing fetch. It's the dog in her haha. I will throw her little yellow ball and she'll run down the hall and grab it, play with it, and then pick it up, and bring it to me. Last night, i was lying in bed and she brought it to me while i was lying there! What a cat she is growing in to! Also, her play bite is becoming stronger! Ouch. Soon she will be taken to the vet to be spayed. She doesn't go outside, but i don't want any little surprises if she ever does escape for a period of time, which i am hoping will NEVER happen because i love her too much! I think that she would be too scared and not know what to do or where to go. Also, there is this HUGE black cat that lurks around the apt complex and we have even found it on my window sill. One time the black cat hissed and "barked" at my little kitten (she got scared) and Jesse scared it away by banging on the window and making a bunch of noise. We haven't seen it up there since. But it is still lurking around. One day i was walking up to my apt and POOF here comes a black cat leaping at me. Haha not really that dramatic but it did scare me.
Nayeli likes to sit on the bathtub while i take a shower and wait for me to be done to get her fresh water for the moment. The other day she leaped at the curtain and fell in the tub. She didn't get wet because i was blocking the water, but it made me laugh. I thought cats were supposed to be afraid of water. Well not all cats. My cousins had a cat that loved to swim in their lake. It was such a weird picture seeing a cat swimming through the waves and walking up on the beach!
A recent pic will follow!
Nayeli likes to sit on the bathtub while i take a shower and wait for me to be done to get her fresh water for the moment. The other day she leaped at the curtain and fell in the tub. She didn't get wet because i was blocking the water, but it made me laugh. I thought cats were supposed to be afraid of water. Well not all cats. My cousins had a cat that loved to swim in their lake. It was such a weird picture seeing a cat swimming through the waves and walking up on the beach!
A recent pic will follow!
Monday, October 25, 2010
What a week!
This week was filled with adventures and new experiences! Monday was filled with volunteering at the hospital, babes and tots, and then getting ready for the teen mom conference on tuesday. Tuesday was the teen mom conference which was amazing. It was unlike anything else (more details to follow). Wednesday I was in the head start classroom all day. Thursday i helped a fellow americorps member with a food drive and then headed to the head start classroom for the rest of the day! Then friday, i had a MIHOW training in Williamsburg. Saturday, i ran my first 5K, which i am super proud to say i completed it and had a decent time considering i haven't been running since May. Jesse and I both ran and we got free pumpkins. I can't wait for the next one! All in all this was a busy but very exciting week! Pictures and details will follow!
Monday, October 18, 2010
1st hospital visit, babes and tots
Today I started volunteering at the hospital! It went alright. The people training me was a little late but that happens sometimes so it wasn't a big deal. He took me on a tour of the hospital and just showed me a few things here and there. I am meeting him again next monday! Right now i am just volunteering where ever they need me. Then as time goes on and i gain more trust and responsibility i should be placed on the labor/nursery and nicu floor! There were three newborns in the nursery today all girls and one had the hiccups. I can't wait to be able to help with the babies. I really like that i will be familiar with the hospital and can help the moms be more comfortable! I might even be able to give them a tour/visit!
Today, babes and tots was canceled because she was sick. But here is my brochure for the week! It's a trifold brochure this time!
I am hoping that this will make some people think twice about smoking!
Today, babes and tots was canceled because she was sick. But here is my brochure for the week! It's a trifold brochure this time!
I am hoping that this will make some people think twice about smoking!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fall Days!
Days like today make me miss home. The cool crisp air filled with the aroma of fall and the sunsets! Owh how i wish i could go to an apple orchard!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Meeting/Activity with the moms at Madison High
Well, the activity went really well! They all loved making onesies. Walking through the high school brought back many memories of high school. eghh. high school. The girls seemed very standoffish, which i thought they might be. I tried to talk to them and ask them about their pregnancies and babies, but that is something i need to work on. I need to be able to get in the mind set like theirs. It's hard to pin point what they are going through at such a young age and their situations. I have NO idea what it is like to be in their shoes. But i hope to find out what they are going through and learn from them. They were all interested in creating the onesies but not really in what i had to say. I don't think they really understood what i would be doing with them! The next visit, i am going to do a pretend home visit so the girls see what i would actually be doing! I am going to try to make it fun and entertaining! Also, i am going to try an incentive, which would include on your 3rd visit you will receive a basket of goodies for you and your baby! I am hoping i can reach out and share their experiences with them! Here are the onesies they created!
These moms are amazing! I am so proud of them!
These moms are amazing! I am so proud of them!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Today is the day!
Very soon i will be heading off to the school and meeting the moms for the first time! I am really nervous. I hope they like me and my activity. I could see how they could think it's dumb and not want to participate. But i am hoping they are interested and think it's neat. I'm trying to figure out how i want to approach them with my program. Should i tell them my background and why i want to help, let them know i have always been a caring person, love babies and children, and want to be a part of peoples lives? I'm not sure what i am going to say quite yet. I try to think back to when i was in high school and think of what caught my attention, which was who i liked and who i was going to challenge in band. haha. I wasn't really thinking what am i going to do with this baby growing inside of me or how am i going to pay for diapers etc? The moms are in a different boat and about to instantly grow up and have a child. What are they thinking, what are they going through at school? What is their home lives like? Are their parents a positive role model in their lives? I want to be that positive role model! I want to help them through their pregnancy and be the shoulder to lean on. How do i reach out to teen moms? Will they have the same mind set as say a pregnant 30 year old? I don't think they will just because of the environment they are in and their position in life. How does having a baby in high school affect you? I must say that i am proud that they are staying in school and finishing! I hope they want to create a good future for their new family and stick it out! This is going to be a new and exciting experience which i hope turns out for the best in both worlds! Wish me luck!
Owh yea. The hospital orientation went well yesterday! We went through some paper work and went on a tour of the hospital. I worked in the hospital at home for a total of three years and in between the times of being at school or in France, i missed being in that atmosphere. This past summer, i worked at the hospital and it just felt right! I felt as if i was playing an important role and people could rely on me! I am very excited to be able to take part of a hospital again! At the same time, i will be gaining more experience in a place where i feel at home! My first day is on Monday 8-10 before my babes and tots class. I will be training with another volunteer. Right now, i will be learning the hospital and meeting everyone. As time goes on, i will get placed specifically on the nursery and labor and delivery floor! Wooo!
Next week is the teen conference, The Dream Inside of Me! Things are starting to pick up!
Owh yea. The hospital orientation went well yesterday! We went through some paper work and went on a tour of the hospital. I worked in the hospital at home for a total of three years and in between the times of being at school or in France, i missed being in that atmosphere. This past summer, i worked at the hospital and it just felt right! I felt as if i was playing an important role and people could rely on me! I am very excited to be able to take part of a hospital again! At the same time, i will be gaining more experience in a place where i feel at home! My first day is on Monday 8-10 before my babes and tots class. I will be training with another volunteer. Right now, i will be learning the hospital and meeting everyone. As time goes on, i will get placed specifically on the nursery and labor and delivery floor! Wooo!
Next week is the teen conference, The Dream Inside of Me! Things are starting to pick up!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Babes and Tots take 2
The weekends seem to fly by! Today, i am attending another babes and tots class and super excited! This week the brochure is about resources in the community with a fall twist! I am hoping that it helps someone or they can pass it along to someone that might need it! Also, today is my orientation at the hospital. I am going to be volunteering on the labor and delivery floor each week to gain more experience. I cannot tell you how excited i am to be in that environment and what i will learn! I will also be able to see what a midwife might do and how the labor and delivery floor is maintained! I will also be able to help the mommies with what the experience at the hospital is going to be like and what to expect! As time goes on, i will hopefully gain the trust of the nurses and in return be given more responsibilities. But for now i think that i will be doing miscellaneous things here and there but very excited to know that there is a chance of working with the babies and the mothers in the future!
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