Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meeting with the nurse-midwife....

Last friday I meet with the nurse-midwife in the area! After talking with her, I couldn't be more excited! She really liked what i was doing with AmeriCorps and fully supported hanging my Mommy & Me flyer in their office! Their office is one of the two ob/gyn's in the area, so there will be a ton of people walking in and out of there looking at my poster! I have a feeling that there will be a bigger turn out than last time! I am excited to see how many people come and have seen my flyer!

Back to our meeting....I had made a list of interview questions ranging from asking about nursing school, midwifery school, her weaknesses, her most and least favorite stories, did she have children with a midwife, to why she chose to become a midwife. The meeting was great! She said, "this really is your passion isn't it, i can tell." I told her about the time Jesse and I were out to dinner and i sat there and felt at ease with life after deciding to become a nurse-midwife! It is my calling and couldn't feel better about it. She was quite impressed at how much research i had done and that the interview was just for me. She suggested working on a labor and delivery floor for 6 months before deciding to become a nurse-midwife. I am def. taking her advice, but as of right now still going to go ahead with everything! I left feeling amazing about my life choice and can't wait to follow through with it! It's going to be a long and hard journey, but if anyone can make it, i think i can!

I must say that i have an amazing support system behind me! Thanks everyone for supporting my calling and being there through my journey!

I don't think i could have gotten where I am in life if it wouldn't have been for Jesse. He was/is there to talk about anything and everything. He never judged and always keeps an open heart. He has been by my side through the thick and the thin! He was that one person who broke through the walls i built and helped me to become the woman i am today. We complement each other very well and help each other better ourselves! He was there for those days when the world felt like it was closing in on me. He sat there with an open ear and and a shoulder to cry on. He is an amazing man and I love him for it. Thank you for being a part of my life! I can't wait to see what the future holds and where our life/career decisions take us!

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